Welcome to our online discount shop for satin ribbons!
First of all we want to apologize that our site is in German language only. We are very much focused on our cheap products, on efficient warehousing and good customer service. And had no time yet to translate this entire site into English.
Anyhow, we love to work for you no matter where you are. Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone. Our customer service team will help you in English language too.
This online shop follows a discount price concept. That means: high quality – lowest prices.
You will find a broad variety of ribbons. Most important types are:
- satin ribbon
- satin ribbon with wired edge
- ribbons for wedding decoration
- selfadhesive bows – ready to use
- customized ribbons with your text or company logo
Please see this overview about the most important terms & conditions:
- all prices are in EURO
- usually our prices are ‘per roll’
- usually all goods are on stock and will be available for immediate shipment
- we will ship to everywhere
- shipping is free within Europe if the order value exceeds 150 Euro, otherwise we charge 9,90 Euro
- shipping costs to other countries have to be determined based on the size of the order
- we accept payments through bank transfer or Paypal
- all payments have to be made prior to shipment of the goods
- if you are uncertain about product quality or colours you might ask for a sample which we will send free of charge by mail
Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.